Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Quilt Tour 2012 Part IV - The Final Chapter (for now)

This is the last in this series of posts - I DO have more quilts, hidden in closets, some for the holidays...but this is it for now. Seventeen, counting two on my design walls! Eesh!
Emily's Sweet Sixteen, made in 2005. Similar (but not identical) to Hannah's quilt, I sneaky-like gathered signatures/messages from Emily's family and friends. It is to fun to look back on these now, as many of the friends have gone their separate ways...and some of the family members have passed on. Done in my favorite jewel tone batiks and cotton prints, with black and whites too. I remember auditioning many borders for this.
If I had to pick a quilt I was proudest of, it might be this one - although it was not an original idea. This is The Many Faces of Emily, completed around 2003. I was watching Alex Anderson's quilt show, and the amazing Therese May was her guest. Therese demonstrated her technique to make her faces, as in her "Therese Quilt", see in the book, The Twentieth Century's Best American Quilts. Instantly, I knew I wanted to try this technique! Soon thereafter, someone snapped this photo of Emily, early one morning on one of her choir tours. She was groggy, and a little grumpy, but you can't tell in this quilt. It was loads of fun to make, and I got to use my favorite fabrics, too!
Hope you enjoyed my little tour - thanks for walking down memory lane with me!


Sujata Shah said...

Where have you been hiding these quilts? I have missed many previous posts! Oh my goodness you have so many beautiful quilts in the closet!
I love all of the ones in previous posts and love these two too. Story behind Emily's quilt is so fun to read.
The quilt made by your grandmother for your parents' wedding is so precious! I loved reading about your childhood memories connected to that quilt. Angel with go-go boots is too cute!
Ia m going to take sometime and read all the posts! Thanks for sharing them with us.

Pinkadot Quilts said...

Great quilts and yes your border is wonderful! I love those faces too!!!

Happy New Year!

Happy new year!  Here's hoping for peace in our world!  A quote that I carry around with me is from my hometown pastor, from years ago -...