We recently had the pleasure of hosting a special dinner at home - to get to know "the boyfriend" - and as we expected, all went well, and we think he is great!
We had a casual dinner at home, out on the breezeway, then drove over to Naperville to have drinks and dessert at Potter's Place - where we know an EXCELLENT waitress! (Hannah)

Our honorary daughter, Genevieve (darling girl, we love her!), and her special bf, Nick.
Nick obviously has good taste, to be dating Gen - we think Gen is tops! It has been 7 years this month, since Gen became a very special part of the Hudson family. And we couldn't be happier about it!

Waitress extraordinaire, Hannah Hudson - in action! She went from new waitress to seasoned/excellent waitress, almost overnight. Her first day was Cinco de Mayo (it's a Mexican restaurant), very busy - and about her second day was Mother's Day, also very busy - and oh yeah, their internet connection wasn't working, so they couldn't run credit card orders through, cash only. She weathered it well! (I'm proud, can you tell?)

It was a great evening! You've got nothing to worry about, Nick - we think you're great!