Friday, November 23, 2012

What can you do in 15 minutes?

What can YOU do in 15 minutes?
 Let's see...15 minutes...I could do some crunches (ya right), pay some bills (ugh), clean out a drawer (a good idea, but...), walk a dog (a necessity), or - I could - - - 
 Play! Check out the great new book, "15 Minutes of Play" by Victoria Findlay Wolfe.  (you may purchase a copy over at her blog, here).  Even though I just received it (thanks, V!), it's already one of my favorite quilting books ever! And I'm not just saying that because one of my quilts is featured on page 85! So exciting!
The core of all of this fun is "made fabric" - randomly piecing together our scraps...we all have scraps!...and using the made fabric in traditional, or non-traditional ways.  Shown above is my photo of the quilt featured in Victoria's book.  I used made fabric in two different ways in this quilt.  First I made some purple and red fabric, and created the paper-pieced flying geese section; then I pieced the background of all different lime green fabrics - my favorite color - plus a few stray geese in accent colors, then put it all together and quilted it. 
You will love this book! Check it out!
 Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving! We had the requisite turkey, and all the trimmings - including a homemade apple pie! I just might have another slice tonight, as soon as I'm done with this post - and the doggies have been walked!
OK, Dora and Cohen, you've waited long enough - time for a walk!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Yes I do still make quilts!

Finally finished the quilt top I call Gypsy John - made for a special friend.  John is a musician friend who plays the guitar and sings.  John defied the odds and made a full recovery after having a very serious motorcycle accident a couple of years ago.  
 John hosts a summertime "open mic" day in his backyard every year.  One year, the year after his accident, they handed out these t-shirts with his image - and as soon as I felt that shirt in my hands, I knew I needed to create a tribute to his amazing recovery, to him.
 John is just a down-home guy, originally from Texas, so using plaids and shirtings seemed appropriate.  The top was created semi-medallion style, improvisationally, without pre-planning - radical for some, fun for me. I love how it turned out.
I've sent it out for quilting, and can't wait to see how it turns out.  I really wanted to quilt it myself, but I was realistic for once - it would take me forever, and I really want it done and passed on to the recipient.
I pieced the back from the rust print seen in some of the red-toned borders - and ended up with the tiny scrap seen above.  That's frugality!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thank a Veteran Today

My dad (and mom) taught me many things - the value of hard work, honesty, faith, family, and love of country.

My dad was very proud of his service in the Navy during WWII, and often referred to himself as a "great American patriot".  Makes me smile every time I think of that.  Dad's been gone over 13 years, and I still miss him.  Thank you, Dad!

 My dad, Robert Heggestad.
 Dad was at Pearl Harbor on that day "that shall live in infamy".  He didn't talk about it much, Dad was a shy and humble man, very honorable, but was interviewed for the local paper on the 50th anniversary of the day.  I know you can't read it, but I've got the article framed.
 Really sweet photo of my mom and dad.  Shows how much they loved each other.
Dad prized this photo - left to right, his best friend, Ed; Hubert Humphrey (my dad was a loyal Minnesota Democrat), and my dad.

Happy Veteran's Day!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

For the love of a lab

We loved our first dog - Maggie, the yellow lab. And we love our second dog, Dora, the yellow lab.  Scott just showed me this Subaru commercial. , which makes him tear up...isn't that sweet? 
 Good old Mags (sorry, not the best picture)

Emily, Hannah, and puppy Maggie - about 16 years ago.
Dora napping on the couch - bad doggie!

Action shot - hilarious - Scott loving it.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Great Day Saturday

Great day Saturday - Scott, Hannah, and I headed into the city to see Gen and Nick's new apartment.  Not only that, but their TWO new doggies, too!
 This is Baby, their little girl.  Totally black, very sweet, and such a good girl.
 Hannah and Gen
The amazing view from the bedroom - Lake Michigan's Belmont Harbor.

 This is Buddy - so cute and sooo tiny!
 Me, Hannah, and Genevieve

After our visit/lunch, we headed back home - and spent the rest of the afternoon watching the Notre Dame game on TV.  Normally, I wouldn't care about college football, but Matt is an alum, and a rabid fan - and now I'm a fan, too.  He and Emily flew in just for the game.  Matt's brother (Dan) and his fiance (Erica) picked up E and M at O'hare, and drove straight to South Bend for the game. 

The game was just about the most exciting game I've ever seen - 3 overtimes! So exciting - and Notre Dame won!   After the game, they sped back to the airport so Emily and Matt could fly back to Boston - they made it!
Emily said - "Most stessful, yet most amazing win ever.  Go Irish!"

I told her, "Matt must have been beside himself!"  She responded - "You don't even know." 

Dan, Erica, Matt, and Emily

Thanksgiving in October - in Boston!

Emily and Matt (probably) won't be able to come home for Thanksgiving - they have school on the Wednesday before...too difficult if not impossible to get standby flights...regular flights are too expensive...yada, yada.  So...

 ...we decided to have Thanksgiving in October! They have quite a nice little kitchen, with a lovely Whole Foods nearby, where we got all the fixin's for a great Thanksgiving dinner.  Here's Emily preparing Tyler's Ultimate Turkey with Sage Butter.  As you can see, Emily is up to her wrists in the butter mixture, as she is skooshing it between the skin and the breast meat. You can find the recipe here.

Matt was thrilled with the dinner - turkey is his favorite!
 I made a bunch of little pies instead of two big ones - pumpkin, and lemon.  Matt liked the pumpkin so much he wants Emily to make it all the time.
So much to be thankful for - I love my family so much! :)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Best vacation trip ever!

 Scott and I were in Boston Oct.11-15, and had just the best time ever.  We got to see our daughter, Emily, and her boyfriend, Matt; see their schools (they're both getting their MBAs); visit a lively and historic city; see a fine art museum; eat great seafood; see the ocean; and reconnect with an old friend of Scott's.  What's better than that?
 No trip to the Boston area would be complete without a lobster feast! We went to Brown's Lobster Pound in New Hampshire, just about an hour north of Boston.  After our lunch, we drove up the coast to Maine.
 Emily and Scott near the Boston University campus.
"My" boy, Matt - actually, he's Emily's bf, but we all think he's pretty great!
Scott and his friend, Dorene.  Scott and Dorene were good friends in high school, and just reconnected this year.  When we found out that she lives in Boston, it was a perfect chance for a visit. She is training to be a docent at the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA), and she gave us an excellent, personal tour!
Can you tell how much fun we had on our trip? More pics later!

Autumn in DG

Wow, too long since my last post!!! My excuse?  I am in a new position at my "day job", and I am busy non-stop from 7 to 3.  Then I come home and teach piano from 330 - 6, make and eat dinner, and pretty much collapse after that.  

But I am trying to improve! Need more exercise, and more sewing!  Started going to the gym today, and also did some sewing this week! First time in WEEKS.  Both good things!

 Halloween was Dora's birthday! Little Cricket's Luna's Dove Dora is now 2 years old - happy birthday sweet girl!
 We had a gorgeous day here about two weeks ago - sunny and warm - couldn't resist taking glamour shots of the pups.  Dora posing nicely!
 Even Cohen posed for me - very unusual for him!  But I had a treat in my pocket! Isn't the burning bush glorious!
Scott and I took a wonderful five-day trip to Boston in October.  We got to see lots of the sights - but the main reason for the trip was to visit our daughter, Emily (and her boyfriend, Matt).  Here we are in her school, Boston University.  Do I look just a little proud? :)

We had a great vacation - more on that later - as I intend to be a more faithful blogger!

Happy New Year!

Happy new year!  Here's hoping for peace in our world!  A quote that I carry around with me is from my hometown pastor, from years ago -...