What can YOU do in 15 minutes?
Let's see...15 minutes...I could do some crunches (ya right), pay some bills (ugh), clean out a drawer (a good idea, but...), walk a dog (a necessity), or - I could - - -
Play! Check out the great new book, "15 Minutes of Play" by Victoria Findlay Wolfe. (you may purchase a copy over at her blog, here). Even though I just received it (thanks, V!), it's already one of my favorite quilting books ever! And I'm not just saying that because one of my quilts is featured on page 85! So exciting!
The core of all of this fun is "made fabric" - randomly piecing together our scraps...we all have scraps!...and using the made fabric in traditional, or non-traditional ways. Shown above is my photo of the quilt featured in Victoria's book. I used made fabric in two different ways in this quilt. First I made some purple and red fabric, and created the paper-pieced flying geese section; then I pieced the background of all different lime green fabrics - my favorite color - plus a few stray geese in accent colors, then put it all together and quilted it.
You will love this book! Check it out!
Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving! We had the requisite turkey, and all the trimmings - including a homemade apple pie! I just might have another slice tonight, as soon as I'm done with this post - and the doggies have been walked!
OK, Dora and Cohen, you've waited long enough - time for a walk!