Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thank a Veteran Today

My dad (and mom) taught me many things - the value of hard work, honesty, faith, family, and love of country.

My dad was very proud of his service in the Navy during WWII, and often referred to himself as a "great American patriot".  Makes me smile every time I think of that.  Dad's been gone over 13 years, and I still miss him.  Thank you, Dad!

 My dad, Robert Heggestad.
 Dad was at Pearl Harbor on that day "that shall live in infamy".  He didn't talk about it much, Dad was a shy and humble man, very honorable, but was interviewed for the local paper on the 50th anniversary of the day.  I know you can't read it, but I've got the article framed.
 Really sweet photo of my mom and dad.  Shows how much they loved each other.
Dad prized this photo - left to right, his best friend, Ed; Hubert Humphrey (my dad was a loyal Minnesota Democrat), and my dad.

Happy Veteran's Day!

1 comment:

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

What a great,post about your dad!! My dad was in the great war as well. Neither he nor my uncles eer talked much about the war years.


Happy New Year!

Happy new year!  Here's hoping for peace in our world!  A quote that I carry around with me is from my hometown pastor, from years ago -...