Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Third Wedding of the Summer - and it was a GREAT one!

This past Sunday was a very special day.  Our daughter, Emily's, best friend, Kristin, got married!  Emily was a bridesmaid, and Scott and I were invited - it was a day filled with joy!
Kristin is a remarkable young woman.  She is very smart, and cares deeply about her friends, and she is also very practical.  So while some of the wedding details were quite traditional, other details were uniquely...Kristin!  For starters, the ceremony was at our town's historic Tivoli theater - complete with their names on the marquee!  How cool is that???

Emily created a photo collage poster, and got the theater management to display it in their "Now Showing" glass display case.  So special!

Kristin had to convince the theater to let them have their wedding at the theater.  It was only the 3rd wedding to take place there!  The Tivoli has been totally restored, and it is BEAUTIFUL.  The organ played in the orchestra pit, and it was perfect.  The readings, the vows, even the celebrant - who was one of their close friends, Ryan.  And the seats were filled with their families, and LOTS of friends.  K & A are part of a LARGE group of fun and loving friends - partially due to Kristin! She is the glue that holds the group together.

Ryan did a stellar job - on his first wedding as celebrant!  Ryan was serious, and tender, and funny...the whole ceremony was full of love and special meaning.  They wrote their own vows.  And they both cried.

This was so fun!  After the ceremony, we all spilled out onto the brick street (did I tell you, our town is adorable?), and waited...until K & A came out, and we all threw POPCORN! How perfect is that?
Stay tuned for more wedding pics!

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Happy New Year!

Happy new year!  Here's hoping for peace in our world!  A quote that I carry around with me is from my hometown pastor, from years ago -...