Saturday, August 23, 2014

Jazzin' at the Shedd!

Tradition! We all attended Jazzin' at the Shedd (Aquarium), one of Chicago's many great museums. We've all attended in prior years, and I think this may become a yearly tradition.  Another new tradition - the selfie!
Genevieve, me, Hannah; Scott, Nick, Danny.

Hannah and Scott watching the Beluga whales.  See the water just beyond the ledge they are leaning on? The whales cruise right by - I even got sprayed!

Genevieve and Nick having fun.

So - why is it called "Jazzin' at the Shedd"?  The event occurs after hours - from 5-10 p.m. on a Wednesday evening, there is food and drink for purchase, and there is live jazz music being performed at two different locations in the museum.  A great way to have a museum  night!

Cheers! Nick, Genevieve, Hannah, Danny.

Besides the large whale, and dolphin, exhibition areas, and the MANY individual fish displays, there is a WHOLE CORAL REEF in the center of the museum!  I had fun watching (and photographing) the fascinating fish while taking a little break.


They are so unusual, and so beautiful, they don't look real - at least to this midwesterner's eyes! And you can't really tell, but this fish was also HUGE!

I know these photos don't do it justice - suffice it to say, if you're ever in Chicago, it's worth you time to visit the Shedd Aquarium.  Besides seeing their great exhibits, the facility also has fantastic skyline views of Chicago!

The end of a great evening!

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